DCAS journal 8: redefinition of the project

I started reading some books again about the relationship between cinema and interactivity / media / storytelling 
I started to think that all those movies were actually treated as 'episodical'. For example, for guardians of the galaxy it is seen as an episode compared the whole volume 1 et volume 2. 

Maybe in order to give my characters more time to develop themselves through interactivity I should let them live during multiples moments. It would add depth, nuances to them, that I feel a lot of characters lack.

That is why I changed my project from movie to serie. Each episode is a moment of their lives. They don't have to be a a follow up. Of course, it would be interesting if each of them, one after the other would tell a plot. (That's the objective in term of screenwriting)

But I personally like the no perfect ending concept. Not having a closure. The audience is just wondering about the nexts moves, nexts emotions, nexts scenes. It's not only about adventure and thriller and suspense. It's also just about life and how it can be unexpected.