Production 4: directing actors

this is the part that I loved the most during the production process, directing actors. I think the reason why is that everything that you envision, a tone of a voice, the punctuation everything can finally live through the play of an actor. That’s why to me, it’s as important as the visual storytelling process. I really enjoyed giving advices to my actors as they were very attentive . sometimes I would ask them if I’m doing too much and they would tell me that they love it because they feel that they are being pushed to do better . 
to be honest, this is exactly what I would want anybody that works with me, to feel, you are doing better and improving! I think this is one of the purpose of directing: believing that there’s no actual limit to whatever the director wants to see on screen, what kind of emotion, facial expression. 
they really surprised in so many differents  parts of the production process. For example, the final scene of the first choice is Improvised in many ways. When Hontil is facing the camera I wanted to have the voices of his collègues on top but I hadn’t had any direction on the script. They did an amazing job, continuing with the same tone of the scene but in their own words.